why is life so sad
Ah, the crazy dream I had
to be a Carnegie Mellon grad
was I crazy was I mad?
Today I finally took my rad didnt tell mommy didnt tell dad
Life suddenly is so bore
the dollar dreams are no more
not a single girl did I score
supposedly a daily chore.
baggin' jobs no fun nomore,
as it used to be before,
Chances bright they ignore,
though I knock loud on the door.
No more sleep,
no more snore.
throat too is really sore.
Dirty clothes I always wore,
full of stink, body odor.
Walking shoes I often tore,
Like my heart, my bloody core,
NY London - they did explore,
time to get new ones from store.
Let the wretched fate encore,
take me away from the shore,
Unless from heaven's galore,
you see me in deep deplore!
tell me, I'd be so glad
am I really that bad?
am I really that bad?
Ah, the crazy dream I had
to be a Carnegie Mellon grad
though I was a lazy lad
Today I finally took my rad
life's crushing without a pad
very bad very bad!
Life suddenly is so bore
the dollar dreams are no more
not a single girl did I score
supposedly a daily chore.
baggin' jobs no fun nomore,
as it used to be before,
Chances bright they ignore,
though I knock loud on the door.
No more sleep,
no more snore.
throat too is really sore.
Dirty clothes I always wore,
full of stink, body odor.
Walking shoes I often tore,
Like my heart, my bloody core,
NY London - they did explore,
time to get new ones from store.
Let the wretched fate encore,
take me away from the shore,
Unless from heaven's galore,
you see me in deep deplore!